Monday, November 3, 2014

SU Meeting Minutes 10/15/14

  1. Service Unit Manager Vicky Burford welcomed everyone, especially our newest leaders Laura & Becky!!
  2. For Recognitions, Clio overlooked Lori Blair, who should have received a 5 yr Volunteer & 5 Yr. Membership pin and will receive it hopefully by the November meeting.  She also congratulated Monica Blum, SU Treasurer, for her 20 yr. pin!
  3. QSP Sales - we are half way through.  There is still time to "dive in".   Any questions, call Debbie Siena our QSP Manager for the SU.
  4. Vicky was also pleased to report, on behalf of our SU Cookie Manager, that we have 6 Election Day booths (which can take place anytime during Election Day week).  Spread the word and check Cookie Booth times at:
  5. Vicky updated us on recruiting efforts.  Woodbridge has a new Kindergarten troop, Bethany is having a parent meeting soon and Orange recruiting is underway.
  6. Online registration is rolling out.  All leaders are asked to do the webinar training. 
  7. There are "job" opportunities in the Service Unit.  A new Treasurer is needed as well as a Registrar.  Please think about volunteers or potential volunteers who can fill these spots.
  8. Upcoming Service Unit events:  Thinking Day Feb/March 2015 (Allison Mislow/Troop 60145, Camporee June 5-7, 2015 (Karen Kravetz, Troop 61099), Man in Your Life event (TBD) (Connie O'Connor Troop 60537), Sup & Sing (spring, chair needed).
  9. Council Delegate update:  Jessica Kenty-Drane has accepted the nomination for SU Delegate.  We still need an alternate delegate.  Elections will be at the next meeting, Wednesday November 12.
  10. Council News:  Anita reported that our Council Delegates are on their way to the National Convention in Utah.  Save the date for the Fun Fest in May 2015.  Pre-register your troops now for lowest price.
  11. Training Moment: Ready? Set? Go! now replaces Fire, Food & Fun.  Upcoming Regional Training Days enable you to get Out & About  & Ready? Set? Go! in one day.

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