MINUTES FROM Wednesday, March 9, 2016
1. Welcome - Vicky
Burford - Service Unit Manager
Opening Flag Ceremony – Girl Scout Promise
Opening Flag Ceremony – Girl Scout Promise
2. Special Guest Speaker - Matt Dibona
speaking about events with the Yard
Goats Team
- Girl Scout Night with the Yard Goat Baseball team at their new home in Hartford on Saturday, June 25th, 2016. Find the flyer on the Amity Girl Scout Share website or www.YardGoatsBaseball.com
- Girl Scout Night with the Yard Goat Baseball team at their new home in Hartford on Saturday, June 25th, 2016. Find the flyer on the Amity Girl Scout Share website or www.YardGoatsBaseball.com
3. Registration update – Debbie Urban
- Information about Early Bird registration should be available at the April SU Mtg.
Early Bird registration times are May 1 – August 15. Please note that during this time, new girl registrations will be registered for this year current year, not for next year. Talk with our SU registrar, Debbie Urban about this if you have questions.
- Information about Early Bird registration should be available at the April SU Mtg.
Early Bird registration times are May 1 – August 15. Please note that during this time, new girl registrations will be registered for this year current year, not for next year. Talk with our SU registrar, Debbie Urban about this if you have questions.
4. Council News – Anita Silvestro
- Many council sponsored events were highlighted. See the Amity Share website for details and flyers.
- Many council sponsored events were highlighted. See the Amity Share website for details and flyers.
5. Recognitions /
Communications update – Clio Nicolakis
- A reminder that many recognitions are on-going and can be done on the gsofct website.
- A reminder that many recognitions are on-going and can be done on the gsofct website.
6. TEAM Members needed:
SU Events Coordinator – anyone interested in learning more about this position please contact Vicky Burford.
SU Events Coordinator – anyone interested in learning more about this position please contact Vicky Burford.
7. SU Events - recap
Thinking Day - Nina Ruckes - Chair
- The event was a great success. All expenses were covered with admission and silent auction proceeds. The tables and presentations were wonderful, hope to see even more troops participate next year. If you are interested in hosting the event for 2017, please contact Vicky.
Girl Scout Sunday – on March 6 was hosted Allyson Rogers at Christ Episcopal Church in Bethany. – patches are on back order. Thanks to Allyson for the lovely social afterwards.
Next year Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church in Woodbridge will host Girl Scout Sunday.
Thinking Day - Nina Ruckes - Chair
- The event was a great success. All expenses were covered with admission and silent auction proceeds. The tables and presentations were wonderful, hope to see even more troops participate next year. If you are interested in hosting the event for 2017, please contact Vicky.
Girl Scout Sunday – on March 6 was hosted Allyson Rogers at Christ Episcopal Church in Bethany. – patches are on back order. Thanks to Allyson for the lovely social afterwards.
Next year Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church in Woodbridge will host Girl Scout Sunday.
8. Camporee –
Saturday & Sunday, May 14 & 15th, 2016 at Camp An-Se-Ox
Ambassador Troop 60436 - Vicky Burford - Chair
Registrations are not being taken – See attached registration form.
Contact Vicky for any questions. vickyburford@optonline.net
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Ceremony will be part of the Campfire program at Camporee on Saturday, May 14. If your troop has completed any of these awards in the last 2 – 3 years, please send details to Vicky to be included in this ceremony.
Ambassador Troop 60436 - Vicky Burford - Chair
Registrations are not being taken – See attached registration form.
Contact Vicky for any questions. vickyburford@optonline.net
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Ceremony will be part of the Campfire program at Camporee on Saturday, May 14. If your troop has completed any of these awards in the last 2 – 3 years, please send details to Vicky to be included in this ceremony.
9. Leader Recognition Dinner – May 26, 2016 at the Senior Café, Woodbridge Center
GS Cookies –
report sent from Sue Leigh
-We are going into the third week of booth sales. Booths sites are still available if any troop is interested. Have your troop cookie person contact me.
-Money should be in the process of being collected from the girls and deposited into the Troop's bank account.
-The cookie program goes until the end of March so girls still have the opportunity to earn incentives.
-Amity is going strong with selling and we have a good chance of meeting our sales goals and earning a financial incentive. Every box counts!
-Have your troop cookie person contact me with any questions.
-We are going into the third week of booth sales. Booths sites are still available if any troop is interested. Have your troop cookie person contact me.
-Money should be in the process of being collected from the girls and deposited into the Troop's bank account.
-The cookie program goes until the end of March so girls still have the opportunity to earn incentives.
-Amity is going strong with selling and we have a good chance of meeting our sales goals and earning a financial incentive. Every box counts!
-Have your troop cookie person contact me with any questions.
11. Training Update -
What training do you need to attend Camporee?
Each troop needs a trained adult who has Out & About and Ready, Set, Go training to attend camporee and sleep in platform tents. As always each troop also needs a certified First Aider.
Both of these trainings are available at the Regional Training Days coming up in April and May. An-Se-Ox Regional Training Day is Saturday, May 7. See information about how to register for training on the GSOFCT website and Amity Girl Scout Share site.
What training do you need to attend Camporee?
Each troop needs a trained adult who has Out & About and Ready, Set, Go training to attend camporee and sleep in platform tents. As always each troop also needs a certified First Aider.
Both of these trainings are available at the Regional Training Days coming up in April and May. An-Se-Ox Regional Training Day is Saturday, May 7. See information about how to register for training on the GSOFCT website and Amity Girl Scout Share site.
12. Delegate Report – Holly Nardini reported on the Membership
meeting she attended last week.
They discussed the property plan, a new platform for communicating called Rallyhood, and the upcoming annual meeting in April. Look for an email coming out in the next few weeks asking for your feedback on the issues being addressed at the annual meeting. Please join us at the next Service Unit meeting to discuss.
They discussed the property plan, a new platform for communicating called Rallyhood, and the upcoming annual meeting in April. Look for an email coming out in the next few weeks asking for your feedback on the issues being addressed at the annual meeting. Please join us at the next Service Unit meeting to discuss.
Next Service Unit Meeting – Thursday, April 7th, 2016
7:15pm – 8:45pm in Room 16 at Center Building
Mandatory for all troops – End of Financials training
7:15pm – 8:45pm in Room 16 at Center Building
Mandatory for all troops – End of Financials training
1. Welcome - Vicky Burford - Service
Unit Manager
Opening Flag Ceremony – Girl Scout Promise
We discussed the need for new Flag Ceremony in a Bag to be given out to new troops – VB to source materials.
Opening Flag Ceremony – Girl Scout Promise
We discussed the need for new Flag Ceremony in a Bag to be given out to new troops – VB to source materials.
2. Registration update – The new on-line
registration has been a great help this year.
All troops should be delegating someone from the troop to be the troop
registrar and be trained to use the new on-line registration portal. Contact SU
registrar Debbie Urban with questions.
3. Recognitions / Communications update
– Clio Nicolakis
The idea of getting communications out to all registered adults, not just leaders, about how to access and use the adult recognitions portal on the Girl Scout website.
The idea of getting communications out to all registered adults, not just leaders, about how to access and use the adult recognitions portal on the Girl Scout website.
4. Go to gsofct.org website – click
Volunteer drop down menu – click on Recognitions – pick one and away you go!
5. TEAM Members needed:
Events Coordinator -
Treasurer –
Thinking Day Chair – Nina Ruckes has volunteered – Thank you Nina!
Someone Special and Me Chair -
Events Coordinator -
Treasurer –
Thinking Day Chair – Nina Ruckes has volunteered – Thank you Nina!
Someone Special and Me Chair -
6. SU Events -
Thinking Day – Sunday, February 21, 2016 at Holy Infant Church Hall in Orange
Watch your inbox for information about signing up for a country.
Nina Ruckes – Troop 60095 hosting
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Ceremony in late spring? Discussed some options about how to do this. Any troops who have girls receiving these awards this year please contact Vicky Burford.
Leader Recognition Dinner – May 26
Camporee – May 14 & 15, 2016 at Camp An-Se-Ox
Thinking Day – Sunday, February 21, 2016 at Holy Infant Church Hall in Orange
Watch your inbox for information about signing up for a country.
Nina Ruckes – Troop 60095 hosting
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Ceremony in late spring? Discussed some options about how to do this. Any troops who have girls receiving these awards this year please contact Vicky Burford.
Leader Recognition Dinner – May 26
Camporee – May 14 & 15, 2016 at Camp An-Se-Ox
7. Girl Scout Cookie Time is here – See
latest email from Sue Leigh
Cookie rallies this weekend – an email to go out Friday with details to SU distribution list.
Cookie rallies this weekend – an email to go out Friday with details to SU distribution list.
8. Training update – VB to
send out training requirements for troops wanting to attend Camporee so leaders
will have time to schedule training before the spring. Any training questions
should be directed to Vicky Burford.
9. Program Resource Guide – if
any troop does not have a hard copy of this wonderful resource, please come to
the next Service Unit Meeting on February 4 and pick one up. Or email Vicky at vickyburford@optonline.net
10. Recruitment events at each
school January through March will be considered. If you know if any grade that
needs to be targeted, please let the SU TEAM know.
11. Next Service Unit Meetings:
February 4, March 3, April 7, May 5
7:15pm – 8:45pm, Room 16 in Center Building, 4 Meetinghouse Lane, Woodbridge
7:15pm – 8:45pm, Room 16 in Center Building, 4 Meetinghouse Lane, Woodbridge
- Welcome and intro by Vicky, our Service Unit Manager
- Recruiting is in full swing -- all three towns have new Daisy troops and leaders are being trained!
- Registration Update: Early Bird badges are ready and being distributed. A friendly reminder from Mary that you need to send her DUPLICATES of all registration forms and Dues Summary forms.
- Secretary Update - trying to build a Service Unit parent email list. Will try to get list from council.
- Council Delegate Elections: Jessica Kenty-Drane and Nina Ruckes were elected as Delegates and Alternate Delegates to GS of CT. Congratulations!
- Service Unit Event Calendar:
- March 8, 2015: Thinking Day celebration (A. Mislow/Troop 60145, Chair)
- June 5-7, 2015: Camporee at An-Se-Ox (K. Kravetz/Troop 61099, Chair)
- Man in Your Life event (C. O'Conner, Chair) ** per GS of CT regulations, this event needs to be called "Special Person in Your Life" event. Can't be gender specific anymore. Discussed different ideas and scheduling.
- Camporee 2016: needs to be reserved by March. Need new troop to chair.
- Cookie Training: update from Susan Leigh. Begins 1/2/15. 40th Birthday for Samoas. Everyone needs training even if already a Cookie Manager/Mom because of new Digital Cookie sales - a first for GSUSA and GSofCT. 2 new flavors: Rah Rah Raison and Toffee Tastic. Training dates to come via email. All girls must be registered to sell cookies. Resolve registration disputes with Mary Cassidy, Registrar.
- Service Unit Job Opportunities: We need a Treasurer & Registrar. Ideas for recruiting for these SU positions? It doesn't have to be a current leader or even a GS mom. Just someone who wants to volunteer time!
- Council News: Anita Silvestro.
- Cookie Rallies for girls and families on January 10 at malls throughout the state. Closest one is Meriden Mall. Older girls are needed to help man the booths.
- Cookie Recognitions will be awarded at Fun Fest in May at Durham Fairgrounds.
- Register your troops for Fun Fest - it is a huge Girl Scout festival for scouts and families. Only $20 now. Prices go up soon.
- Community Partner Awards: make sure you are recognizing the partners who are hosting your meetings (Schools) and cookie booths.
- Girls need to go online to GS of CT and vote on outdoor badges (result of GS USA National Convention initiative)
- Bring A Friend events: Thinking Day or other Service Unit or troop events. Talk to Anita for badges to award the girls if they bring a friend who joins Girl Scouts.
- Training Moment: Go to www.GSofCT.org and look at training area. Regional Training Day sin April and May (5/2 at An-Se-Ox). Make sure your leaders are current! Laurel is going to Girlz Rule training on 1/31/15 - program that helps with conflict resolution. Talk to her if interested in going.
- QSP Update: A big WAHOO from Debbie Siena. The Amity Service Unit DOVE IN to QSP sales. 18 troops participated and did an awesome job.
- Next 3 meetings: December 10, January 14, February 11
Minutes for Wednesday October 15, 2014
- Service Unit Manager Vicky Burford welcomed everyone, especially our newest leaders Laura & Becky!!
- For Recognitions, Clio overlooked Lori Blair, who should have received a 5 yr Volunteer & 5 Yr. Membership pin and will receive it hopefully by the November meeting. She also congratulated Monica Blum, SU Treasurer, for her 20 yr. pin!
- QSP Sales - we are half way through. There is still time to "dive in". Any questions, call Debbie Siena our QSP Manager for the SU.
- Vicky was also pleased to report, on behalf of our SU Cookie Manager, that we have 6 Election Day booths (which can take place anytime during Election Day week). Spread the word and check Cookie Booth times at: http://www.gsofct.org/general/booth-locations.php
- Vicky updated us on recruiting efforts. Woodbridge has a new Kindergarten troop, Bethany is having a parent meeting soon and Orange recruiting is underway.
- Online registration is rolling out. All leaders are asked to do the webinar training.
- There are "job" opportunities in the Service Unit. A new Treasurer is needed as well as a Registrar. Please think about volunteers or potential volunteers who can fill these spots.
- Upcoming Service Unit events: Thinking Day Feb/March 2015 (Allison Mislow/Troop 60145, Camporee June 5-7, 2015 (Karen Kravetz, Troop 61099), Man in Your Life event (TBD) (Connie O'Connor Troop 60537), Sup & Sing (spring, chair needed).
- Council Delegate update: Jessica Kenty-Drane has accepted the nomination for SU Delegate. We still need an alternate delegate. Elections will be at the next meeting, Wednesday November 12.
- Council News: Anita reported that our Council Delegates are on their way to the National Convention in Utah. Save the date for the Fun Fest in May 2015. Pre-register your troops now for lowest price.
- Training Moment: Ready? Set? Go! now replaces Fire, Food & Fun. Upcoming Regional Training Days enable you to get Out & About & Ready? Set? Go! in one day.
Minutes for Thursday September 18, 2014
Anyone who came to the meeting on Thursday were greeted by Debbie Siena, our Service Unit QSP Manager, who was clearly ready to DIVE IN to kickoff our Service Unit QSP sales!!
Troops will received 15% of magazine and snack sales as well as $2 for each completed address book (8 addresses). Everyone in attendance can vouch for the delicious snacks: chocolate covered pretzels, huge chocolate covered raisins, carmel clusters, to name a few!
Girls can set up their own websites, personalized with photos, to sell the magazines and snacks. Please encourage your troop to participate! A girl MUST be registered and the troop must have a signed Annual Consent Form in order to participate in QSP sales.
Don't delay! QSP Sales run October 1 - October 31 and will be delivered in time for the holidays (they all make fantastic holiday gifts for teachers, bus drivers, mailmen, etc.)
- As the meeting began, everyone introduced themselves. Vicky then reminded us of the big event for Girl Scouts of Connecticut in May is the Fun Fest at the Durham Fairgrounds. Troops will have the opportunity to show off their service projects. Go to www.gsofct.org for more information about sharing your projects at the Fun Fest. We've been assured that parking and food will be much improved from our last experience there for the Jubilee.
- The National Convention is soon. Our Connecticut delegates have a survey for us to fill out here: http://www.gsofct.org/content-files/File/Convention2014/National%20Convention%20Proposals%20and%20Discussion%20Topic.pdf
- Training Update: Fire, Food & Fun is getting retired. If you want to take your troop to a Camporee, you can take a 5 hour course "Ready Set Go", instead of the overnight Camping Adventures. You will still need volunteers training in Camping Adventures if you want to go on a troop camping trip.
- Recruiting: Lawn signs for GS of CT are available. If you live in a high-traffic area, please consider placing a sign. The Woodbridge Recruiting Carnival is 9/23 and Orange is having a recruiting event on 9/30. Bethany still needs a hand with coordinating a recruiting event.
- Registrar Mary Cassidy is happy to report that there are 27 troops, 260 girls and over 100 adults registered as of today!
- Recognitions were given out for those in attendance who had missed the Volunteer Dinner in June. Deb Urban received the Distinguished Leader Award, Mary Cassidy a 10 yr Member Award, and Allyson Rogers and Stacey Wyner received 5 year member awards. (member awards include years registered as both a girl and adult Girl Scout.
- Delegates are needed for 2015. Clio Nicolakis has nominated Jessica Kenty-Drane. We are still looking for more nominees for Delegate and Alternate Delegate.
- Upcoming Events:
- Quassy Day Sunday October 5th --- fun GS activities and good food
- Amity Thinking Day - date to be determined
- Camporee June 5-6-7
- The meeting ended with the QSP training and sampling of the yummy QSP snacks!
Minutes for Thursday April 10, 2014
1. Vicky welcomed everyone, especially the newcomers. 19 leaders or leader representatives were present!
YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORTS – Monica Blum, our Service Unit Treasurer, went over the procedures and deadlines for completing the year end Financial and Leader reports. She emphasized that if you/your troop treasurer is having difficulty, please call her (or Anita) and she will help you through it. Troop Financial Report, Troop Leader Report, Bank Statement and Disbanding Report (if applicable) are due. Reports are due to Monica by June 1st (ABSOLUTE DEADLINE). Troops that were present at the meeting or sent a representative received an information sheet detailing what is due and a copy of their last year's troop financial report if they were an existing troop. Troops that were not present at the ASU meeting Thursday will receive their's in the mail by Monday April 14. Writeable forms can be obtained online for this year’s submission. Contact Monica @ MJAcorn@aol.com with any questions.
· Writable Financial Report: http://www.gsofct.org/pdf/membership/formLibrary/Writable_Troop_Group_Year-End_Financial_Report_Form_5620_REV_6-12-12.pdf
· Writable Leader Report: http://www.gsofct.org/pdf/membership/formLibrary/Writable_TroopGroup_End-of-Year_Leader_Report_Form_5540_9-1-11.pdf
· Early bird info will be coming out soon. It will be slightly different this year. Make sure you get your package from Mary Cassidy. Those girls who Early Bird will not only get their Early Bird patch, bu this year, they will also get a discount of $5 on the fees, so total registration/council service fee will be $25 instead of $30. Early bird deadline will be determined by Mary, but it will be BEFORE 8/15. After 8/15, registration increases to $30.
· Only TROOP CHECKS should be used for registration. Neither cash nor personal checks should be submitted.
· If you have any registration forms now, throw them out. New forms have different prices and instructions.
3. QSP SALE UPDATE – Vicky still has some QSP incentives for Troops. See her after the meeting if you never received them. Also, Janice is looking for a Chair-in-Training for fall 2014. If you know if any non-leader volunteers who can take this on, please talk to Vicky.
4. COOKIE SALE WRAPUP – They have added April cookie booths. If anyone is interested, talk to Sue Leigh. Troop proceeds will be $1/box instead of $.75/box.
5. SECRETARY/RECOGNITIONS UPDATE – Clio reminded everyone how important it is to recognize volunteers. Please nominate leaders or volunteers for Helping Hands or Leading the Way awards. Very EASY online portal to nominate someone. They can be awarded year round but we like to do it at the annual Volunteer Recognition event, being held this year on June 13. This will be a casual, catered event at Allison Mislow’s house. Invitees might be asked to bring potluck dessert/drinks.
· CAMPOREE June 6-7-8: $15/person no matter how long you stay (daytime, 1 night, 2 nights). Initial reservations needed by Friday April 11. After April 11, Mary has to give us some camp sites so camping areas will be available on a space-available basis after that. April 26 is the final deadline but there is some wiggle-room if you need to ADD campers after that. Early deadlines are needed to order patches and get adequate supplies. This year’s theme is CLUE. Payments for Camporee should also be with Troop Checks, not personal.
· RECOGNITION DINNER: Friday June 13th. Invitation forthcoming
· ORANGE MEMORIAL DAY PARADE: Karen Sims has registered the Orange troops to march but Troops must do their own Troop trip forms and permission slips.
· BETHANY MEMORIAL DAY PARADE: Bethany/Woodbridge troops that want to participate must do Troop Trip forms and permission slips.
7. COUNCIL DELEGATE UPDATE – Clio attended the most recent Membership meeting and summarized some points. Council plans to have a new mobile Daisy’s Knapsack “council on the go” to service troops and service units statewide, but especially those that are in far off places. Next annual meeting is Wednesday May 28 6:30-9:30 at the Best Western Plus 201 Washington Avenue in North Haven. It is truly an inspirational event to see these lifelong Girl Scout volunteers get their awards. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to jdavis@gsofct.org if you would like to go.
8. COUNCIL UPDATE (Anita Silvestro)
· Girls are needed for the Color Guard, greeters and to model old Girl Scout uniform models at the Annual Meeting on 5/28. Please contact her atasilvestro@gsofct.org if your daughter is interested. Color Guard is needed from 6pm-7:30pm and all others from 6:30pm-7:30pm.
· Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival on July 19 – we’ve been invited by our sister council in Massachusetts.
· New Britain Rock Cats annual Girl Scout Sleepover Night on Saturday June 21. Tickets start at $5. Troops/families sleep on the field in their own tents after the game. Contact kzemke@rockcats.com for more info.
Minutes for 3/13/2014
Happy Birthday Girl Scouts! Yesterday was the 102nd birthday for Girl Scouts. Vicky celebrated by handing out Girl Scout peanut butter bears from our QSP sales.Treasurer Report-reminder again that the Service Unit assessment is due at cookie paperwork time. $2/per registered girl in your troop. The April Service Unit meeting is mandatory for at least one rep from each troop to review the financial report procedures. Troop financials are due 6/1.
Girl Scout Day Proclamations were issued in Orange (3/10)and Woodbridge (3/12). Thank you also to Melissa Carrington and Deanna Driscoll for presenting their awesome Girl Scout cookie wreath creation to the Girl Scout museum at council.
Cadette Ephemia presented a slides how of photos from Girl Scout Day at the Capitol, Amity Service Unit Thinking Day and the Woodbridge Proclamation presentation.
Recruitment update: Anita and Mary hosted a table at Thinking Day. A few inquiries but the most fun was meeting the two Girl Scout alumni who saw the ad in the paper. In other Recruiting news, Tara will work with Vicky to try and send a letter to Bethany kindergarten parents instead of just a normal recruiting flyer. Problem is the lack of parent volunteers. In Woodbridge, Karen is still trying to re-ignite the 5th grade troop. Karen will brainstorm some sort of event to re invite those lost girls back.
Registrar report: good news is that Earlybird this year will save you money!!! If you Earlybird, the council service fee will be $10 instead of $15. More info at the next meeting.
Cookie Sales: goal getter sales continue! Keep selling! Let's break our service unit record! If you need cookies, your troop cookie manager/mom just needs to contact the cookie cupboard to get your boxes. There isn't a full case requirement for goal getter sales. Payments are due 3/21. Information is forthcoming from Sue Leigh to your troop cookie moms. Assessments are due at the same time (see earlier Treasurer report for details)
Secretary Update: if anyone wants to be recording secretary for the meetings, please talk to Clio. It would help her get the minutes out more quickly. If you want to see the Amity Pinterest board, search Pinners for Amity Girl Scouts (amity is the "first name"). Feel free to follow boards, suggest pins or send photos or links to be shared. This board is meant to help. Clio will be pinning (no pun intended) all the SWAPS from Thinking Day there.
Service unit Calendar:
- Thinking Day raised over $500 --yahoo!!! We collected almost 300 books. 10 troops presented countries, 3 troops registered as "observers" and many friends and families came (about 200 attendees). Mary C. Mentioned that she received a call from Steve, editor of the Orange times and he would love to know when other Girl Scout events take place in Orange.
- Recognition Dinner will be held 6/13 (with an alternate rain location). Allison M. Is hosting at her house and we will bring in trays of food to keep costs down. We are looking at some church spaces as the rain location. Vicky would like to invite our older Girl Scout alumni who attended Thinking Day. In addition to the dinner, after much discussion, we decided to implement a Court of Awards event before the May Service Unit meeting in order to honor the following: Lifetime membership recipients, Gold, Silver & Bronze Award recipients & Troop recognitions for QSP and Cookie Sales records. This is a great time for younger scouts to be inspired by older scouts. Save 5/8 6:30-7:15. We can also invite Themis Klarides, Joe Crisco and Ellen Scalettar. ****email Vicky if your girls have earned Bronze/Silver in the past year.
- Camporee June 6-8. April 11 deadline is only to guarantee a sleeping spot. Troops registering to sleepover after 4/11 will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served, as available basis. (If our Service Unit cannot guarantee 80% occupancy of sleeping space then we have to give up sections of campsite to others or possibly open up Camporee activities to other Service Units.)
Training moment: don't forget-if you are doing troop trip forms for "high" adventure, including laser tag or white water rafting, do them early!!!!! These forms need extra attention.
Leader Success Stories/Best Practices:
1. Laurel shared the shadow box/diorama project that her troop did based on Anita's suggestion. She said it was a great peaceful activity. It's still a work in process but all the materials the used were 'recycled' or 'reused': scraps of material or leftover scrapbook/decorative paper.
2. Karen shared about her Cadette troop's book drive for Read to Grow and All Our Kin. The girls loved assembling the bookcase and then delivering the books to the All Our Kin mentored daycare provider.
Thursday February 20, 2014 (delayed from Feb 13th due to snow)
· We said the Girl Scout promise
and Vicky asked us to say a prayer for Megan Luciano, a former Girl Scout
volunteer and Beecher mom who passed away.
· Treasurer Report (via
Vicky): just a reminder now that
cookie sales are underway, that each troop is assessed $2 PER GIRL this
year. This Service Unit assessment
helps to underwrite the Lifetime memberships that the Service Unit provides to
graduating high school Girl Scouts each year.
· Girl Scout Week
Proclamation. Orange Troop 60333
will be receiving the proclamation from the Town of Orange on 3/10. Clio will email Gerry Shaw to get on
the 3/12 Woodbridge Board of Selectman agenda. Any troops interested should try to coordinate.
· Recruitment Update: Thinking Day will be a recruiting
event. Ads have been placed in
Orange Town News, Woodbridge Town News and in online PATCH. Mary Cassidy and Anita Silvestro will
man the Recruiting table at the event.
· Cookie Booth info will be
disseminated tomorrow by Sue Leigh to the COOKIE MOMS. Cookie delivery is 3/1 and is also
coordinated through the COOKIE MOMS for each troop. If leaders have any questions, they should talk to their
troop’s Cookie Mom first.
· QSP Incentives Distribution
continued. If your troop did not
receive it yet, please contact Vicky Burford. Election Day Booth Sale patches were also distributed.
· Communications
Update/Secretary: Clio reminded
everyone about the opportunity to earn Faith badges or GS My Faith pins. All major faith groups have specific
guidelines for earning badges for their faith and Girl Scouts has guidelines
(in the Girl Scout binders) for earning the My Faith pin (one for each year).
· Service Unit events:
o Bowling with the Boys made $103
profit with 25 people participating. Suggestions for future Man in Your Life
events: sports games, Lowe’s/Home
Depot building projects
o Camporee 2014 – plan ahead now
for June 6-7-8. 4/11 is the
deadline if the Service Unit wants to be able to reserve the entire campsite,
we need to guarantee 80% capacity by this date.
o Camporee 2015 - Sponsoring troop 61099 needs to fill
out paperwork to reserve weekend/campsite by 3/1. Clio to coordinate with Karen.
o Thinking day – we expect about
100 Girl Scouts + 75 parents/tagalongs.
Still time to sign up.
o Big Girl Scout Sing & Swap –
Vicky and her girls attended and it was fun. It was held in the arena at Quinnipiac University with over
1000 girls attending.
· Delegate Update (Karen, via
Clio) – Property meetings are finishing up. Anyone can attend and the results will also be posted
online. We will distribute that
information at the next meeting.
In addition, the Board of GSofCT has added another membership meeting
for March 20, 2014 in Norwalk, CT.
All Girl Scout volunteers are encouraged to RSVP and attend. This is an open forum meeting.
· Council Update (via Vicky):
o This weekend, 2/22 is Yale Women’s
Pink Zone. Free admission to game
if you wear pink.
o Rock Cats annual Girl Scout
sleepover (on baseball field) is 6/21.
o Girl Scout Day at the Capitol is
2/26. Troop 61099 and 60437 plan
to attend.
o Online registration is coming
o Bronze/Silver Awards – to clear
up confusion from an earlier email.
There is no deadline for these wards. There are webinars that the girls are supposed to take and
when they have completed the award, p. 32 in the Program Book explains that
they need to “register” for the award.
This just enables Council to keep track of who is earning these awards.
· Service Unit project for ReRun
Shoes – last meeting we agreed to collect shoes fro ReRun shoes. If anyone wants to help coordinate this
service project, please talk to Clio.
In the meantime, please ask your troops to start saving shoes for this
project. We hope to place some
collection boxes around our towns.
One troop from MA collected over 1000 pounds of shoes in a couple of
· NEXT MEETING: March 13, 2014
Service Unit meeting minutes 1/9/14
Marina (Sue Leigh's
daughter) earned her Gold Award and she came to the meeting to talk about her
experience. Congratulations Marina!!
Treasurer's Report (Monica via
Vicky): last month at te Team meeting, the budget was finally approved and the
annual assessment fee was raised to $2/Scout (minimum). This assessment is
requested from cookie-selling troops to help fund the lifetime memberships that
the service Unit gifts to graduating Girl Scouts each year.
Recruitment Update (Vicky): Melissa
F was welcomed to her first Service Unit meeting. In addition to her brownie
troop, she is now leading the new Kindergarten Daisy troop for Woodbridge. They
meet on Sundays. Bethany still needs a leader and a troop.
Registrar Report (Mary): with
cookie sales started, registrations are finally pouring in and we have over 300
girls registered.
Cookie Sales
(Sue L, vis Vicky): use your meetings to set goals, learn about cookies
and role play sales. Sue will only communicate with troop Cookie mom/manager.
Don't try to intervene-you will only confuse things. If you have a cookie
question, ask your cookie mom/manager first. If she doesn't know, SHE
should contact Sue Leigh, not the leader or anyone else.
Website Update (Clio): if you
like getting inspiration for projects, we also set up an Amity Girl Scouts
Pinterest board. Please email me ideas or follow the board and suggest pins.
There is a link from our website "Great Links" page. Minutes
and Training moments also have their own tabs/pages now on our website www.amitygirlscouts.blogspot.com
Service Unit
Calendar (Vicky):
1/25 Bowling with the boys (Deb & Deb)-still has room. Sign up
deadline was 1/12. Participants must prepay. No walkins. Everyone is
asked to bring socks for the homeless shelter.
3/2 Thinking Day (Clio/Karen) send in your country preferences ASAP.
See emailed flyer for details. Troops and individual scouts and friends
will be encouraged to attend -they do not need to prepare a country table
to participate. It can be a great recruiting opportunity and also a nice way
for Daisies to see what older girls are doing. We will use stage again and have
a great sound system courtesy of a Girl Scout dad.
6/6-8 Camporee (Mary): she was trained and Camporee rules are being
strictly enforced by Council. We need to meet 80% occupancy in order to
reserve entire campground so April 11th deadline is critical. Reservation with
council requires a 2 night payment because we need it all day Saturday. The
theme will be CLUE. 3/1 is the deadline for for 2914/2015 reservation.
Delegate update (Karen): there
was an open membership meeting for GSofCT in December but it was not well
attended and many of us forgot. Winter membership meeting is an open forum so
it's a good opportunity to speak directly with board members about governance
issues although the meeting notes mentioned that most discussions focused on
operational issues.
Council Update (Anita):
Campsites: please use our campsites during vacations and days off.
They are free after 3pm Sundays until 3pm Fridays. Great opportunity. Both
AnSeOx and Katoyah are very close-Katoyah is on the Orange border but
unfortunately now it is closed because of the new pool construction. Murray
isn’t that far either. Using a campsite on weekends is $3/pp per night
and $4.50/pp/night for a Camporee. Look for the Connie the Catepillar council
badge-girls love visiting all the properties and building the caterpillar.
Cookie rallies were great. They were free family events.
Cookie hints:
Girls should write thank you'd for cookies or make little thank you
gifts--bottle cap Magnets
People Skill handouts
Bookmark tips
Chest sheets for prices
Buy extra cookies to give to people who host meetings (janitors,
Bethany needs another recruiting event so someone should make a
She demonstrated Valentine craft using Dollar Store items. She also
reminded us that she has excess craft items at council if you are in a bind.
GS Program Consultant – new position - if you are having a guest
speaker at a troop meeting-20 minute online course for them.
Big Sing & Swap on 2/15-hoping to sell out 3000 seats. Great
fun. Plenty of swap ideas online.
2/28 No Haven SU having Zumba Heart Sisters event and we are
Hamden SU is planning a first aid training next week if you want to
Recognitions Committee has released a new guidebook. Don't forget to
start thinking from now about Helping Hands and Leading the Way, Outstanding
volunteer and Outstanding Leader. Process has changed this year to make it
easier. Clio is the SU
Recognitions Committee Chair and is looking for more help. Vicky will be receiving her 20 yr pin
this year-hopefully she will go to the Annual meeting on May!
Training Moment (Vicky): Troop Trip Form-in
Volunteer Essentials book online or p. 125 in old version hard copy. If an event is held somewhere other
than a meeting place, you must do a troop trip form. They should be sent to
Vicky along with the participant lift (girls and adults). Usually easiest to
just send entire roster with form. Troop trip form not needed for Council
events or Service Unt events but troops are still required to get Permission
slips and always carry troop paperwork (registration, health and consent
Best Practices advice: place your troop forms in a manila or plastic
envelope or small binder and always carry it with you. For backup copies,
our tech savvy leaders suggested setting up a Dropbox account and give access
to your leaders.
Next meeting 2/13/2014
- RECRUITING: A troop is forming at ML Tracy. Woodbridge had a parent organizational meeting and they are starting a troop with about 10 girls. Bethany has just a few girls - too early to tell.
- ELECTION DAY Cookie Both Sales - Troop 61099 had success at Lowe's in Orange, selling 140 boxes - best cookie booth ever.
- REGISTRAR: Mary gave out Early Bird patches. She reminded everyone to check the registration spreadsheet that went out - to verify your troop numbers and leader information.
- WEBSITE and Communication Update: Please read your emails and let Clio know if you aren't getting any emails. It's important that you read these emails for your troop because often there is Council event information that needs to be shared with them! Website is updated regularly and includes meeting minutes and additional event announcements.
- SERVICE PROJECT: Clio offered a suggestion for an easy service project for the Amity Service Unit. ReRun Shoes. ReRun collects old shoes and sneakers, sends them to entrepreneurs in Africa who clean and sell them. In addition, they employ disabled people in MA to sort the shoes. ReRun shoes will give us collection boxes and handle shipping arrangements. Michael Aronson, the founder, would also love to come speak to the Service Unit. Everyone agreed that it would be a worthy project. Vicky and Clio will work on the details but we are hoping that each troop will be able to commit to helping us place collection boxes in town halls, schools, businesses. The timing and details will be worked out and communicated later.
- Event Coordinator - we still need one!
- Sup-n-Sing - still needs a chairperson
- Girl Scout Sabbath - would be nice to go to a synagogue this year!
- Man in Your Life event - "Bowling with the Boys" - individual registration - troops don't need to get involved. Leaders need to distribute flyer to everyone in their troop. First deadline 12/12.
- Thinking Day - March 2
- Camporee - June 6-7-8
- Treasurer
- Organizer/Recruiter
- School Organizers
- Orientation
- Events Coordinator
- Drive for $5 fundraising campaign. Help support Girl Scouts. Respond to the email or postcard that you received and donate $5 or more. Talk to your troops. Collect checks from parents and bring to next Service Unit meeting.
- January 4 Cookie Rally - Cadettes and older can help. Contact Anita. Cookie Rallies are family friendly, 12-4pm @ Milford Post Mall. Girls will get a special fun patch.
- Big Sing & Swap is February 15 at Quinnipiac arena. Maximum 3000 attendees. $10 by 12/15. Don't wait until the last minute. Celebrity singer. Astronaut.
- Cookie Booths - look at photos online for decorating ideas and join in the fun to decorate your troop cookie booth! This year's cookie credits if used towards summer camp will be worth DOUBLE.
- Karen updated the Service Unit regarding Council's Long Range Property Committees efforts. Surveys are still online and everyone's input is requested. Karen and Clio attended the meeting at Candlewood and reminded everyone that Candlewood is just over an hour away and it is a beautiful campsite with a newer lodge building ("the Lighthouse") which is heated for winter camping.
10/10/13 Service Unit Meeting:
9/23/2013 Service Unit Meeting & QSP Training
- Our first Service Unit Meeting for the fall was held on 9/23/2013 at the Senior Center Lounge. The meeting began with a tasting of the fall QSP sale nut/candy products and a quick training provided by Janice Wivagg, the Service Unit QSP Manager. Please refer to the specific blog post about QSP to get up-to-speed, if you missed the meeting.
- Girl Scouts of CT kickoffs were held in August. Families were invited to check out the exhibits and pick up the program book (one per troop). Vicky Burford, our new Service Unit Manager, has program books for those that missed the kickoffs. One book per troop. Program booklets can be viewed online also at http://www.gsofct.org/membership/form-library.php
- Delegate Elections - The Service Unit has to elect a Delegate and Alternate Delegate each year to serve the Girl Scouts of CT. Karen Kravetz and Clio Nicolakis will continue as Delegate and Alternate Delegate for a third year (beginning January 2014).
- Recruiting events happen separately in each town. Woodbridge had theirs on 9/18 and Orange plans one for October 7. Karen Sim needs volunteers to help with it. Tara Aksoy is planning one for Bethany on October 8th (tentative). Spread the word.
- Everyone went around the room and introduced themselves. We have a new 'community' troop for 1st Graders in Woodbridge which will meet Mondays. The troop is being led by a mother-daughter team who have many many years of Girl Scout leadership experience and are active with the Girl Scout Council programs too.
- Long Range Property Planning - GS of CT is evaluating their long range options for their owned properties. Girl Scout parents and girls were asked to fill out a survey about properties they have used (the survey is now expired). They also invite these stakeholders to attend the Long Range Property Planning Committee informational meetings. More information and the meeting dates can be found at: http://www.gsofct.org/pages/PropertyPlanning.php
- Vicky reviewed the Service Unit event calendar. Service Unit meetings will be held monthly, on Thursday nights. Please see the calendar tab on the new Amity girl scout blog for those dates. There are several events that still need to be planned and scheduled: Sup & Sing, Man in Your Life, Girl Scout Sabbath, Cookie Training & the Leader Recognition Spring Event.
- Election Day cookie booth sales can take place November 2-10. See separate blog entry.
- There are several open positions for the Service Unit team. Specifically, Treasurer - as Monica will be 'retiring' at the end of this year. We would prefer a non-leader volunteer as Treasurer since it is a lot of work. Monica is working with Vicky to break down her current duties into two roles.
- Council Update: Rita shared with us about some great Council-sponsored events coming up. The Haunted Hike on 10/25 & 10/26 and her Hats Off event (page 42 of the program book) where girls (Brownies and older) learn how to sew fleece hats to be donated. Vicky reminded us to save the date for the Big Sing & Swap to be held at Quinnipiac in February 2014.
- Troop Trip Application Forms should be sent to Vicky or to GSCTAmitySU@gmail.com
- Registration paperwork should be dropped off at Mary Cassidy's house. Debbie Siena also offered her GS box if needed. Email GSCTAmitySU@gmail.com for more detailed information.
- Monica recapped a previous email that was sent about Webster's new online banking for Girl Scout troops. Do sign up, all the signers on your Troop accounts have to go to the bank and re-sign paperwork. Please contact Monica to make those arrangements.
- Clio will start a blog & to share minutes and ideas for leaders to share. She has already created a Pinterest page for visual project ideas. Vicky would like to add a "Best Practices" segment to each Service Unit meeting and to kick it off, Allison Mislow shared her troop's success with the "It's Your Planet, Love it" Journey that they completed last year. Their culminating project was to do an Energy Audit of their school and buy new lightlbulbs for one of the rooms as a result of the audit. Her outline/schedule for completing this Journey will be shared in the blog.
- Smart Living Center Family fall event is October 19. Volunteers are needed for one hour slots to help run the GS of CT table. Please contact our MMM Anita Silvestro if you can spare some time between 9:30am-3:00pm.
For any specific information or contact details, please email GSCTAmitySU@gmail.com
While we appreciate the need to get information out easily through the use of this blog, we need to respect and adhere to the guidelines of GS of CT for Service Unit website and social media use and we will not put emails or specific locations in this blog, as long as this blog remains 'public'.
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