Friday, September 26, 2014

Service Unit Meeting Minutes 9/18/2014

Anyone who came to the meeting on Thursday were greeted by Debbie Siena, our Service Unit QSP Manager, who was clearly ready to DIVE IN to kickoff our Service Unit QSP sales!!

Troops will received 15% of magazine and snack sales as well as $2 for each completed address book (8 addresses).  Everyone in attendance can vouch for the delicious snacks:  chocolate covered pretzels, huge chocolate covered raisins, carmel clusters, to name a few!  

Girls can set up their own websites, personalized with photos, to sell the magazines and snacks.  Please encourage your troop to participate!  A girl MUST be registered and the troop must have a signed Annual Consent Form in order to participate in QSP sales.  

Don't delay!  QSP Sales run October 1 - October 31 and will be delivered in time for the holidays (they all make fantastic holiday gifts for teachers, bus drivers, mailmen, etc.)

  • As the meeting began, everyone introduced themselves.  Vicky then reminded us of the big event for Girl Scouts of Connecticut in May is the Fun Fest at the Durham Fairgrounds.  Troops will have the opportunity to show off their service projects.  Go to for more information about sharing your projects at the Fun Fest.  We've been assured that parking and food will be much improved from our last experience there for the Jubilee.

  • Training Update:  Fire, Food & Fun is getting retired.  If you want to take your troop to a Camporee, you can take a 5 hour course "Ready Set Go", instead of the overnight Camping Adventures.  You will still need volunteers training in Camping Adventures if you want to go on a troop camping trip.
  • Recruiting:  Lawn signs for GS of CT are available.  If you live in a high-traffic area, please consider placing a sign.  The Woodbridge Recruiting Carnival is 9/23 and Orange is having a recruiting event on 9/30.  Bethany still needs a hand with coordinating a recruiting event.
  • Registrar Mary Cassidy is happy to report that there are 27 troops, 260 girls and over 100 adults registered as of today!  
  • Recognitions were given out for those in attendance who had missed the Volunteer Dinner in June.  Deb Urban received the Distinguished Leader Award, Mary Cassidy a 10 yr Member Award, and Allyson Rogers and Stacey Wyner received 5 year member awards.  (member awards include years registered as both a girl and adult Girl Scout.
  • Delegates are needed for 2015.  Clio Nicolakis has nominated Jessica Kenty-Drane.  We are still looking for more nominees for Delegate and Alternate Delegate.
  • Upcoming Events:
    • Quassy Day Sunday October 5th --- fun GS activities and good food
    • Amity Thinking Day - date to be determined
    • Camporee June 5-6-7
  • The meeting ended with the QSP training and sampling of the yummy QSP snacks!

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