Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Service Unit Meeting Minutes - February 20

Amity Service Unit Meeting
Thursday February 20, 2014 (delayed from Feb 13th due to snow)

·  We said the Girl Scout promise and Vicky asked us to say a prayer for Megan Luciano, a former Girl Scout volunteer and Beecher mom who passed away.
·  Treasurer Report (via Vicky):  just a reminder now that cookie sales are underway, that each troop is assessed $2 PER GIRL this year.  This Service Unit assessment helps to underwrite the Lifetime memberships that the Service Unit provides to graduating high school Girl Scouts each year.
·  Girl Scout Week Proclamation.  Orange Troop 60333 will be receiving the proclamation from the Town of Orange on 3/10.  Clio will email Gerry Shaw to get on the 3/12 Woodbridge Board of Selectman agenda.  Any troops interested should try to coordinate. 
·  Recruitment Update:  Thinking Day will be a recruiting event.  Ads have been placed in Orange Town News, Woodbridge Town News and in online PATCH.  Mary Cassidy and Anita Silvestro will man the Recruiting table at the event.
·  Cookie Booth info will be disseminated tomorrow by Sue Leigh to the COOKIE MOMS.  Cookie delivery is 3/1 and is also coordinated through the COOKIE MOMS for each troop.  If leaders have any questions, they should talk to their troop’s Cookie Mom first.
·  QSP Incentives Distribution continued.  If your troop did not receive it yet, please contact Vicky Burford.  Election Day Booth Sale patches were also distributed.
·  Communications Update/Secretary:  Clio reminded everyone about the opportunity to earn Faith badges or GS My Faith pins.  All major faith groups have specific guidelines for earning badges for their faith and Girl Scouts has guidelines (in the Girl Scout binders) for earning the My Faith pin (one for each year).
·  Service Unit events:
o  Bowling with the Boys made $103 profit with 25 people participating. Suggestions for future Man in Your Life events:  sports games, Lowe’s/Home Depot building projects
o  Camporee 2014 – plan ahead now for June 6-7-8.  4/11 is the deadline if the Service Unit wants to be able to reserve the entire campsite, we need to guarantee 80% capacity by this date.
o  Camporee 2015 -  Sponsoring troop 61099 needs to fill out paperwork to reserve weekend/campsite by 3/1.  Clio to coordinate with Karen.
o  Thinking day – we expect about 100 Girl Scouts + 75 parents/tagalongs.  Still time to sign up.
o  Big Girl Scout Sing & Swap – Vicky and her girls attended and it was fun.  It was held in the arena at Quinnipiac University with over 1000 girls attending.
·  Delegate Update (Karen, via Clio) – Property meetings are finishing up.  Anyone can attend and the results will also be posted online.  We will distribute that information at the next meeting.  In addition, the Board of GSofCT has added another membership meeting for March 20, 2014 in Norwalk, CT.  All Girl Scout volunteers are encouraged to RSVP and attend.  This is an open forum meeting.
·  Council Update (via Vicky):
o  This weekend, 2/22 is Yale Women’s Pink Zone.  Free admission to game if you wear pink. 
o  Rock Cats annual Girl Scout sleepover (on baseball field) is 6/21.
o  Girl Scout Day at the Capitol is 2/26.  Troop 61099 and 60437 plan to attend.
o  Online registration is coming soon!!!!
o  Bronze/Silver Awards – to clear up confusion from an earlier email.  There is no deadline for these wards.  There are webinars that the girls are supposed to take and when they have completed the award, p. 32 in the Program Book explains that they need to “register” for the award.  This just enables Council to keep track of who is earning these awards.
·  Service Unit project for ReRun Shoes – last meeting we agreed to collect shoes fro ReRun shoes.  If anyone wants to help coordinate this service project, please talk to Clio.  In the meantime, please ask your troops to start saving shoes for this project.  We hope to place some collection boxes around our towns.  One troop from MA collected over 1000 pounds of shoes in a couple of months.

·  NEXT MEETING: March 13, 2014

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