1. Nominate her for a Helping Hand or Leading the Way pin through the Service Unit Recognitions Chair (currently Clio)
2. Make a tradition to hand out Volunteer Years of service pins and Membership Year pins each year during the first October meeting (recognizing 5 year intervals). Nomination paperwork is on www.gsofct.org and is also coordinated through the Service Unit's Recognition Chair.
3. Give little favors and treats with double meaning. There are many examples in the Recognitions handbook found on www.gsofct.org, but here are a few ideas:
A tea bag with a note: you are tea-rrific!
Pack of Extra gun with a tag: thanks for going the extra mile
A sweet smelling sachet that says -you are scent-sational!
4. If you plan a troop Court of Honor to give out earned badges and awards to your girls, be sure to include special recogntions (official and unofficial) for leaders and volunteers.
5. Get inspiration from the many gifts, charms and collectibles at Daisy Knapsack. Offer these thank yous on Juliette Gordon Low's birthday, Thinking Day or Volunteer Appreciation Week.
6. Start "a daisy for our own Daisy" tradition. On Juliette Daisy Low's birthday (10/31), have your Girl Scouts present daisies (real or fake) to fellow Girl Scouts and/or volunteers with a statement about how this person is special to her or the troop. This can be incorporated into a GS's Own Ceremony.
7. Ask yor Service Unit Manager to offer any of these awards or Recogntions during the monthly Service Unit meetings.
8. Pay for the volunteer's registration fee as a surprise!
9. Always say thank you at least once every meeting/event to honor their commitment and time.
10. Ask the girls to write thank you cards to the volunteers/leaders.
Please send your comments with other ideas!!!
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