Thursday, January 28, 2016

Culture Day at Hill Regional Career High School on Friday February 5 from 6-8 pm

Culture Day New Haven.jpg
Help support these older Girl Scouts on Friday Feb 5th from 6-8 pm!

Girls and Women in Sport Day at SCSU Sat Feb 6

Southern Connecticut State University Athletic Dept sponsors a great day for girls in sports.  Follow this link for more info and registration  information!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Amity Service Unit Celebrates Thinking Day!

Thinking Day is an international Girl Scout and Girl Guide celebration of the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell and the start of scouting.  This year the theme is “Connect” – with friends, the community, and your passions.  Troops also donate items for a service project. For background information you can learn more at

The Amity Service Unit will celebrate Thinking Day, as we have in the past, as follows:
Sunday February 21, 2016
Set up at 1:30, Program runs from 2-4PM, clean up till 4:30PM
Holy Infant Church School Gymnasium, 456 Orange Center Rd, Orange, CT 06477
Troops may just set up a table to display information about a country or they may also present a short program (5-10 minutes).
Cost is $2.00 per girl in your troop so patches may be purchased for all.  Parents and tagalongs are free.
Contact person:  Nina Ruckes,

If you intend to participate, please email Nina with the following information by February 13:
Leader name, address and e-mail
Number of girls in the troop (so we can buy patches for everyone), expected number who will participate on Sunday
Top 3 choices for the country you wish to represent
Will you do a presentation?
Please mail a check for $2/girl in your troop so patches can be purchased (payable to GS of CT) to Nna Ruckes (email her for address)
Check List for Thinking Day 
1. Table cloth (a 6’ table and 2 chairs will be provided)
2. Foamboard or Cardboard display with information about your country such as flag, map, helpful phrases, picture of Girl Guides
3. Food or beverage and serving utensils/napkins/paper plates
4. SWAPs (optional)-Something wonderful affectionately pinned!
5. Presentation (optional) -some ideas are a dance, recitation of the Pledge from your country, video (please supply all equipment), recite facts about your country, song, etc.
6. Basket for Silent Auction, worth about $25.00.  Money collected from this will go to the Service Unit to support other programs
7. Donations for Kenyan Health Care Initiatives:  
Children’s books of all kinds for all ages – must be unmarked and in good condition. Not text books
Simple puzzles and games for kids of different ages (new or in excellent condition)- Bananagrams word games, memory games, basic games, cards, marbles, flash cards, checkers, chess , etc.
Sports equipment and supplies – soccer balls, equipment for baseball, volleyball, basketball, badminton.

Once you get your chosen country, you may want to  visit to see if they have a patch for your country.  They would be a very cute addition to your Thinking Day patch.