Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Time to Register for Girl Scouts!

It's that time of year!  Our Girl Scout year begins October 1.  Troops are getting back into the swing of things.  Calling all girls from Kindergarten through 12th grade and all volunteers over 18 yrs old!

For general information about Girl Scouts in Connecticut, go to www.gsofct.org

For more information about Amity Girl Scouts, email our Service Unit


Amity Girl Scouts Take Action! Sow What?

Here is a video created by Amity Girl Scout Troop 60436 as their Take Action Project for the Sow What Journey.  It tells us about Massaro Farm's food donation program for the area community.  Take a look.  The girls did a great job!

For information about Massaro Farm, go to www.massarofarm.org