Saturday, May 24, 2014


Troop Financial Report, Troop Leader Report, Bank Statement and Disbanding Report (if applicable) are due.  Reports are due to Monica by June 1st (ABSOLUTE DEADLINE). 

Explanation for newer leaders:  each year, every troop must complete a Troop Financial Report and a Troop Leader Report.  These reports go to Monica Blum, our Service Unit Treasurer, and then she must prepare a summary report of the entire service unit and send it to Council.  It's imperative that these reports are finished timely so that Monica can complete the next step.

Monica went over the procedures and deadlines for completing the year end Financial and Leader reports at the April Service Unit meeting.  She emphasized that if you/your troop treasurer is having difficulty, please call her (or Anita) and she will help you through it.  Troops that were present at the meeting or sent a representative received an information sheet detailing what is due and a copy of their last year's troop financial report if they were an existing troop. Troops that were not present at the ASU meeting Thursday should have received their's in the mail by Monday April 14.   Writeable forms can be obtained online for this year’s submission.  Contact Monica: MJAcorn at with any questions.   

Friday, May 23, 2014


It's already that time of year!!!  Registration packets are being distributed to our troop leaders by Mary Cassidy, our Service Unit Registrar.

This year's Girl Scout Early Birders not only earn the "early bird" fun patch, but they also get a $5 discount on their Council Service Fee.  

Don't delay.  Early Bird troop registrations are due to Mary by July 11th - so PLEASE get them out to your troops before your last meeting!!