Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bowling with the Boys - for the Man In Your Life!

Service Unit Meeting Minutes - 11/14/2014

Monthly Service Unit meeting at the Senior Center Lounge took place on 11/14/2014.
  • RECRUITING: A troop is forming at ML Tracy.  Woodbridge had a parent organizational meeting and they are starting a troop with about 10 girls.  Bethany has just a few girls - too early to tell.
  • ELECTION DAY Cookie Both Sales - Troop 61099 had success at Lowe's in Orange, selling 140 boxes - best cookie booth ever.
  • REGISTRAR:  Mary gave out Early Bird patches.  She reminded everyone to check the registration spreadsheet that went out - to verify your troop numbers and leader information.
  • WEBSITE and Communication Update: Please read your emails and let Clio know if you aren't getting any emails.  It's important that you read these emails for your troop because often there is Council event information that needs to be shared with them!  Website is updated regularly and includes meeting minutes and additional event announcements.
  • SERVICE PROJECT: Clio offered a suggestion for an easy service project for the Amity Service Unit.  ReRun Shoes.  ReRun collects old shoes and sneakers, sends them to entrepreneurs in Africa who clean and sell them.  In addition, they employ disabled people in MA to sort the shoes.   ReRun shoes will give us collection boxes and handle shipping arrangements.  Michael Aronson, the founder, would also love to come speak to the Service Unit.  Everyone agreed that it would be a worthy project.  Vicky and Clio will work on the details but we are hoping that each troop will be able to commit to helping us place collection boxes in town halls, schools, businesses.  The timing and details will be worked out and communicated later.
    • Event Coordinator - we still need one!
    • Sup-n-Sing - still needs a chairperson
    • Girl Scout Sabbath - would be nice to go to a synagogue this year!
    • Man in Your Life event - "Bowling with the Boys" - individual registration - troops don't need to get involved.  Leaders need to distribute flyer to everyone in their troop.  First deadline 12/12.
    • Thinking Day - March 2
    • Camporee - June 6-7-8 
    • Treasurer
    • Organizer/Recruiter
    • School Organizers
    • Orientation 
    • Events Coordinator
    • Drive for $5 fundraising campaign.  Help support Girl Scouts.  Respond to the email or postcard that you received and donate $5 or more.  Talk to your troops.  Collect checks from parents and bring to next Service Unit meeting.
    • January 4 Cookie Rally - Cadettes and older can help.  Contact Anita.  Cookie Rallies are family friendly, 12-4pm @ Milford Post Mall.  Girls will get a special fun patch.
    • Big Sing & Swap is February 15 at Quinnipiac arena.  Maximum 3000 attendees.  $10 by 12/15.  Don't wait until the last minute.  Celebrity singer.  Astronaut.
    • Cookie Booths - look at photos online for decorating ideas and join in the fun to decorate your troop cookie booth!  This year's cookie credits if used towards summer camp will be worth DOUBLE.
    • Karen updated the Service Unit regarding Council's Long Range Property Committees efforts.  Surveys are still online and everyone's input is requested.  Karen and Clio attended the meeting at Candlewood and reminded everyone that Candlewood is just over an hour away and it is a beautiful campsite with a newer lodge building ("the Lighthouse") which is heated for winter camping.